Pictures of Pipe Organs

Four Manuals (Keyboards)
An Organ with four (4) manuals

Three Manual Consoles

Console Under Construction
Note the holes where the Stops will go.

A Very Old Console

These stops regulate the flow of air to the various sections of pipes.


Pedals, Crescendo (Volume) Controls and Toe Studs (Pistons)

Sizes of Pipes
Pipes can be very small, like the one the man is holding in the second picture; or, they can be very large - taller than the men seen in picture #3.  Note the various sizes in picture #4.

Picture #1                                        Picture #2

Picture #3

Parts of A Pipe

Picture #4

Pipes From A Distance

Dr. MJ Montague At Work

© 2023  Pictures were taken from a variety of sites on the Web.  They are owned by the Copyright Holders and no infringement is intended.