Pictures of Pianos

Baby Grand Piano

Baby grand pianos are grand pianos that do not exceed 6' in length.

Concert Grand Piano

Grand pianos in excess of 7 feet 6 inches in length
but not in excess of 9 feet are called concert grand pianos.

Studio Grand Piano

Grand pianos in excess of 6 feet in length
but not in excess of 6 feet 6 inches are called studio grand pianos.



Upright Piano

Parts of a Grand Piano

The Inside of an Upright Piano
Can you identify the parts?  Click on any part of the piano to see if you are right!
(Use the grand piano schematic to the left as a guide.)

Player Piano


Player Piano Roll

How a player piano works is a bit too complicated to discuss here
but, if you want to read all about it, just click on the picture
of the piano roll (above).


Pedals of a Piano
This is the una corda (soft pedal). This is the sostenuto pedal. This is the damper pedal.

There are three pedals on most pianos. 
These pedals are (left to right):
una corda, sostenuto, and damper.
The una corda is more commonly known as the soft pedal.
Just as the name implies, it is used to play more softly.
The sostenuto pedal is used the least of all three pedals.
It's purpose is to give the pianist the ability to sustain some notes (the ones with the dampers up when the pedal is pressed) but not all the notes.
The damper pedal is also known as the sustain pedal. Pressing this pedal keeps all the dampers lifted from the strings and allows them to continue to sound long beyond the time they were originally struck.

Soundboard Close-up

Miss Music At Work

The music playing on this page is "Sonata in B" by our October, 2007, Composer of the Month, Franz Liszt.

© 2020  Pictures were taken from a variety of sites on the Web.  They are owned by the Copyright Holders and no infringement is intended.